

Have you ever been to Poquoson, Virginia? It's this perfect little town. Boring, sure, but quiet and beautiful. That's where my grandparents live, and on holidays we slip off together as a family to sit in the sunroom and eat yummy food. This particular holiday was Easter, the day we celebrate the truth that Jesus didn't stay dead.

I'm thankful for tons of things: Matthew, my family, our home, our church, and other things too, but mostly I'm thankful that we have a Savior who was not only willing to die for us, but had the power to rise from the dead. Without that power, He'd be just like any other man. I hope you got to see your family yesterday, but more than that, I hope you could celebrate Jesus' resurrection with joy!


  1. So nice to see all of you enjoying Easter together. Paul and I went to a sunrise service and later that morning I went to another service with my sister -in-law Susan. So sad that way to many people have no idea how important Easter is and how it could change their lives if only they would seek HIm!! Am so looking forward to seeing all of you before long. Love you sweet lady!


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