
christmas 2011

Just like Thanksgiving was spent with the Pearsons, Christmas this year was spent with the Nowaks. Just a quick run down for everyone who doesn't know the Nowaks, their family consists of: 4 sisters {Sharon, Beth, Chris, and Katie}, 2 brothers {Danny and Matt}, 4 in-laws {Bryan, Courtney, Richard and I}, plus mom, dad, and granddad. That's 13 people even before any of us have kids. Whoa.

Thirteen people means nothing if not a triple batch of crescent cookies.

It also means tons of presents. Tons and tons. I didn't mean to take a before and after picture. I merely took a picture before we opened the presents while we were sitting around... and then one more when we were sitting around after the presents. It looks like we staged disaster. Nope, this disaster is legit.

The highlight of after Christmas digesting? A lock picking set acquired by my brother-in-law Bryan. It has renewed my desire to be something of an assassin when I grow up.

After the Christmas festivities on Sunday, we spent Monday with my family for our second "first" Christmas. It started with a longer than usual game of find the pickle. I almost always find it first, but this year Matthew beat me to it. We were the only two who found it this Christmas. Grandma really buried it. 

The highlight of this years gift giving, was my ten year old sister's face when she opened an ipod touch, cleverly disguised in a small American Girl box. I'm not saying it was an attractive face, but it lasted a couple of solid minutes, and it was sincere. Yes, I captured it for you. You're welcome. 

I suppose that's basically all. I'll give you a gift run down later once everything has a home {and we've donated enough to help it all balance out}. Just as a spoiler, I got a couple of amazing hand made gifts. I'll end with a couple of pictures of my favorite person in the entire world. 

Just chilling with Jacinda on Christmas, and with a blueberry {non-beer like} drink in a fun little coffee shop in Richmond. We never take pictures of the two of us together. I need to fix that. Sniff sniff. I'm pretty sure I smell a New Year's resolution. 

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