
Nursery Update

For too long I've had a quart of white paint waiting to paint our crib the same color as the nursery dresser. It's a catch-22. The only time I have to paint is when Portia is asleep, but when Portia's asleep, that's not a great time to paint the crib that she's sleeping in; you see. So, this week, when I saw a white crib on one of the free groups that I'm in, we snatched it up and brought it home. We took our previous crib apart and put it up in the attic (don't worry, mom). Long-term it wouldn't shock me if we have two babies at the same time (we are open to fostering or adopting in His time), and then we'll put them both to use.

An even more recent addition to the nursery, after almost a year of storing it/slowly working on it out in the garage, we finished the wardrobe! This wardrobe (much like the floral rug in this room, two of my favorite pieces of art in the living room, and Charlotte's dresser upstairs) was on the curb a couple of blocks away, missing one of the back legs, with a couple of screw holes in the sides. 

Matt did most of the work, but we attached a back leg, some decorative side pieces to cover the holes, refinished/stained the wardrobe, and then added some interior shelves.

Want a peek?

How sweet are those brass door pulls and all of the details on the outside and inside of those doors? And that tiny mirror? God gives us the best free gifts.

So, for those of you keeping track at home, I think the only things that weren't trash picks, hand-me-downs, or gifts in this nursery are that giant mirror that we picked up at Homegoods & that light from Target (which is on clearance, and has a dimmer so it's a perfect late night diaper change/sleepy breastfeeding light). 

This room is so close to being finished, and it has been a long time coming. I'm loving intentionally switching things out and not having to hold onto things just to have something in the space.

Want to watch the evolution? Here's what the nursery has looked like in years past. 

Our style has definitely grown up, evolved, and mellowed out a bit! I used to think I had to be colorful or childish to be playful, but I see playfulness in the polkadot curtains, white clock with white letters, and flourishes on the edges of the mirror. We can be classic and whimsical, like a Hodgson Burnett or Barre novel. The two are not exclusive.

I love all of the pieces we have now. Nothing feels obligatory or random. Here's to spending next to nothing and loving every piece of a room. I'm moving on to the rest of the house, with my eyes turned towards our bedroom next.

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