
I asked God for x.

If you've known me long, you know I don't shy away from sharing details. Want to know my weight? Cool. I weighed 168 at my last OBGYN appointment. Want to know how much debt we have? $49,370.70 left on our mortgage.

But with the business we started this year it feels tacky to post exact numbers. There's nothing shiny or particularly special about what we are doing. Matt is serving people every day, and they thank him with payment in the form of president's faces. We crunched numbers before we started, and decided we needed x every month.

x is represented by that smallish coin on the left. That would put money aside for business taxes, pay our bills, put extra towards our mortgage (to be debt free by February 2020), and add to our business emergency fund.

At the end of month one, quickbooks made it really easy to see that God had handed us X, represented by the larger coin on the right. Why does it consistently surprise me that God has bigger and better plans for our family than I do? I don't know, but since it keeps surprising me, I imagine there's a decent chance you could use the reminder as well. God wants better for you than you want for yourself.

God loves you more than you love yourself. God promises to fill your mouth up if you'll open it wide.

He deserves glory for what He's done in our business this month. We didn't have any work set-up before Matt quit his job, we weren't allowed to solicit before we started, and I thought we were asking in big faith for x.

God saw our faith, saw our request for x, and gave us X. He loves us. He is faithful. We can trust Him. We trust Him more today than we did yesterday.

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