
happy thanksgiving

Food and family mashed together makes for a marvelous time. Pie for breakfast is the norm in the Nowak house on Thanksgiving, and this year there was an especially scrumptious homemade pumpkin pie with caramel, pecan topping. We could that again every year forever. We voted on the menu this year, which was a fun way to assure everyone that their favorite dishes would be present, and any dish that we could all agree to leave off the table, never made it into production. Thursday involved an early dinner, weaving colorful lights through the Christmas tree's branches, and then dominos into the wee hours of Black Friday. Friday started with sleeping in (which I prefer to the early mornings I've done in the past), and then took some of us girls (two in-laws plus a best friend) to Target for 40% little boy (!!!) clothes, thrift stores for $0.20 little boy (!!!) clothes, and then lunch at a yummy Bangladesh restaurant. Shrimp on lentil rice is a yes for me.

The rest of the family spent their morning on the rope's course with Matt, until we all met back for family pictures, Christmas tree decorating, and a movie. If you wanna watch a three hour long movie that drags like a snail across space, ending in a plot fixing movie band-aid that I couldn't like, Interstellar could be that for you. Also, more dominos. 

We squeezed in a walk around the neighborhood before saying goodbye to our out of town family, wrapping up a relaxing weekend, where I surprisingly didn't eat until I felt sick. That's a win.

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