
Nomadic Nowaks

Because we don't know what God is going to do through our mission's trip to South Africa next year, we speak constantly in sentences like, "If we stay in America..."

We just honestly don't know what God wants to do with us this coming year.

When the truck was totaled in our front yard, God replaced it with a slightly newer, slightly bigger truck with less miles on it. It also came with a newfound towing capacity.

Recently we finished Chip and Joanna Gaines book The Magnolia Story, and we found their story inspiring. Chip is spontaneous, Joanna listens to God's still, small voice and obeys it, and they make a habit of pulling hard together in the same direction.

The missionaries we're going to visit in South Africa had mentioned that if we do end up going on deputation, having a camper allows your family to have some routine, which is especially important for families with young children.

Because we've paid off our mortgage, we had decided as a family that the next time we move, we want to pivot, debt free, from one house to another, without taking on a new mortgage. We could sell our home and stay with family while we search for a home in a better area, with a little more space to entertaining (dining room etc.), or explore other options like renting short term or buying a camper.

The Magnolia Story, the hit-and-run that totaled our truck, and the God-given command to live our life running hard from debt all came together this week, as we began to pursue finding a camper.

In our minds (though, we never quite know God's plan ahead of time, do we?), next year will go one of two ways:

  1. We go to South Africa, and God makes it clear to Matthew as the head of our family that we are supposed to be cottage parents in Port Elizabeth. Then, we begin deputation in America, selling our home in Norfolk, going from church to church, pulling a camper as our home until we move over seas.
  2.  We go to South Africa and come home ready to adopt/serve in our church/take teens on mission trips. Still ready to live somewhere else, we sell our home and move into the camper, waiting for the right home for our family.

The two things that both of those scenarios share are getting our home ready to sell for next year and buying a camper.

We got one of those done this week.

Matt was searching on his phone, and he said, "This one was just posted nine minutes ago." He tossed his phone across the room at me, and I caught it. When I looked at the screen, I saw that I had accidentally hit the "Message Seller" button with my catch.

The pictures showed a beautifully cared for camper, with two sets of bunk beds, one queen sized bed, and a couch and booth dining area that both transform into beds. My attitude was, "Let's go see it!"

Other people were able to get out to him before we did, and they offered him full-price offers, but because we were the first ones to (accidentally, God is fun!) message him, he honored us as first in line, and we were excited to bring this beauty home with us.

It's so well cared for and in such great shape, but if you know me, you know that these are the before photos. There's too much cream/brown and not enough white. I'm already dreaming big changes on a small budget, and I can't wait to show y'all the progress as we go along!

We're getting our house ready to sell and this camper ready to call home!

Excited about going tiny,
The Nomadic Nowak's

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